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Nice - All i need today is a little bit of camping and a whole lot of Jesus shirt

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Algeria was included in the Ottoman Empire by Khair ad-Din and his younger brother Aruj, who established modern Algerian borders to the north and turned the coast of the country into a base for pirates; All i need today is a little bit of camping and a whole lot of Jesus shirt. The most powerful pirate was in the years 1600. The plundering of US merchant ships on the Mediterranean led to the first and second Berber battles with the United States. Considering the reason for belittling his Consul, France invaded Algiers in 1830; however, many resistance wars conducted by individuals such as Emir Abdelkader, Ahmed Bey and Fatma N'Soumer made the French conquest of Algeria very slow, technically only completed in the late 1900s when Tuareg is finally conquered.

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