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I never received my acceptance letter to Hogwarts so i’m leaving the shire to become a Jedi shirt

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During his time at the headquarters, Hitler pursued his artwork, drew cartoons and instructed a military newspaper. I never received my acceptance letter to Hogwarts so i’m leaving the shire to become a Jedi shirt. During the Battle of the Somme in October 1916, he injured his left thigh when a bullet exploded in the escape. [41] Hitler spent nearly two months in the hospital in Beelitz, returning to his regiment on March 5, 1917. [42] On October 15, 1918, he was temporarily blind in a mustard gas attack and was hospitalized at Pasewalk. While there, Hitler learned of Germany's failure, and upon receiving this news, he suffered a second blindness. Hitler described the war as "the greatest of all experiences", and was praised by his commanding officers for his bravery. His war experience reinforced his love of Germany and he was shocked by the surrender of Germany in November 1918. [44] His bitterness about the collapse and war effort of Germany began to form the ideology of Hitler. [45] Like other German nationalists, he believed that the Dolchstoßlegende (legend stabbed his back), claiming that the German army, "invincible", had been "stabbed in the back" at home by the The civilian leader, Jew, Marxism and those who signed a truce ended the war - later called "November criminals.

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